As most of you probably know, there's a new My Little Pony show on TV called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Shown on the Hub, a channel for children and their parents, it follows a new group of ponies as they deal with everyday issues.
Now. I've been a My Little Pony fan since I was little and the first generation was around. And I have to admit, I adore this new show. It's target audience is children but oddly enough a lot of adults love it and I know why. It doesn't talk down to anyone and gives good life lessons that I think as adults we tend to forget.
But there are a lot of people that are upset about how much art is being made of these characters on all the art sites lately (not to mention all the pony porn and fanfics...I won't go into those.) There seems to be two sides here: For and Against. Those for it strongly support their choices in making fan art and those against call all those for it sick and twisted if they're adults.
What I don't understand is why they think adults liking this show is sick and twisted? Adults like lots of cartoons, cartoons that are also targeted to children...and yet, they never get the bad kind of labels. I don't understand why. It's a cartoon, if it appeals to you, who cares? Enjoy it, do what you want with it and move on with life.
But no. A lot of people get almost angry when they see My Little Pony art on sites, claiming it's "overwhelming" and/or "misplaced" but it's not...people draw fan art for lots of things and again, they never get those labels.
The current MLP craze is like every other fad that has ever been: Something cool comes out=people love it=people talk about it/draw things for it=fad slows down=people drift away to new things=everything goes back to normal. And we're seeing that now, the first season's been over for a while and the craze has calmed down a lot. But people still complain.
Pet Rocks, Hula Hoops, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Barbie, Elmo, Slap Bracelets, Jelly Bracelets, Hightops, Hot Wheels...all of these are things targeted to kids but adults loved them too. I honestly don't see a problem with people liking what they like. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but if they're nasty and derogatory towards those they don't agree with, the old saying "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" should come into effect.
So get over it, bear with it and the fad will soon fade to be replaced by something else. History shows it again and again, so don't stress over a few cartoon ponies that talk.
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